Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen - as I promised here, I will be showing sneek peeks of my designs every other week until the launch of Soronko this summer 2012.
All Design Patterns are still in the development phase and subject to tweaks and color/sizes changes. I am also making final decisions on the various fabric types I would like to use and doing a lot of comparisons and research to bring the best of quality to all Soronko's future Clients from all over the world.
I have already had a few people ask me whether I will be selling my Textile Fabric by the yard and the answer is "Yes", but that will be in 2013 after i have attended a few planned trade shows. In 2012 I only plan on concentrating on the decorative cushions, pillows and other home accessories.
Please enjoy and dont hesitate to comment or give suggestions of the colors you would like to see.

(Image Source: Kosia of Soronko Textiles & Designs © Copyright 2011-13)


  1. I love your fabric...the patterns are wonderful!!

  2. Oh thank u so very much, and there's hundreds more to come. You are the first to comment on my blog and I feel so honored, I have to journal this. As a slowly show you all sneek peeks please don't hesitate to let me know the types of colors you will like to see them in, as I continue to test swatches until I choose my final 7 designs for my Spring/Summer 2012 collection. Thanks once again for your compliments.
